Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Tuesday 24th April Fearless Four set about making Anzac biscuits.
We are researching the Anzacs at the moment and Miss K thought that this would be a great time to add a bit of Measurement and Procedural writing to the unit.
First we split into two groups. Miss K assissted one group and Kaye assissted the other. Everyone had a job to do and we finished up with two. very different looking, batches of biscuits.

They were YUM! (although some were a tiny bit burnt)
The taste testers were about and BJ came by to do some quality control. They passed the test and came a very pleasing equal to Room 2's according to BJ!
Once we had a taste, we did a wee bit of writing on our Y chart.  

Then Miss K decided that we would have a 'Bake Off', boys verses girls. Ellie and Grace represented the girls and Johnson and Angelo were chosen to represent the boys. They were all off to a great start when. . .

the boys used the wrong bowl in the microwave! Disaster struck twice when they realised there was no more butter! Miss K was 'Bad Jelly' as she had to clean up the 150g butter, a tablespoon of Golden syrup and melted bowl from the microwave. At least that was all she had to do as the group quickly regathered their senses, Miss K found some marg in the fridge, and the competition was back on!  

Kaye was invited back to judge the final products. She had no idea which batch belonged to who. Kaye gave points for taste, shape, texture and smell. It was a close call with only one point determining the winner. . .the boys!!!!
Well done both groups, the biscuits were fabulous and not nearly as hard as the original biscuits that the Anzacs had in WW1.

1 comment:

  1. Fearless four,

    You guys are doing such a fantastic job so far this year.
    I laughed at the melted bowl haha, very funny. well done for that.
    Your ANZAC biscuits looked yummy :)
    Keep up the good work and i look forward to reading more about your class activities and accomplishments.


