Monday, April 30, 2012

Shane Rufer Comes to CNS

Tuesday Ist May

What a fantastic experience! Today Fearless Four had a coaching session with Shane Rufer. He began with teaching the kids skills, and followed up with five seperate games going at the same time. No hands, no out and tiny goals. Lots of running, lots of laughing, lots of students with AMAZING skills, a lot of fun had by all. Have a chat with your child/parent about the activity. Enjoy the photos =)
Miss Katon 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Where's Cameron?

On April 29th I went on the Track and Tunnel walk with my family.
We drove to Woodville and then walked along the railway tracks to The Ashhurst Domain. We went across lots of bridges and through many tunnels. We saw lots of dead opossums, the BIG slip in the Manawatu Gorge and heaps of trees.
It was a very long walk and I got tired. We stopped to have a drink and look at different things that my mum and dad thought were interesting.
At the end I got a hot-dog and my brother, Jamie, got a drink. The best part was going through the tunnels; I liked all the torches and shadows.

By Cameron Todd

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Note to Parents and Caregivers 27th April

Hi Everyone
I hope that you are enjoying your childs Sharing-Book, they have worked very hard to complete them. Please find a wee bit of time to share in their successes. Many have come into school today beaming with stories of parents reading their writing, looking at their artwork or maths samples and giving them praise, awesome to hear! Please return these book next week.
Camp fees are now well over due. Room 1,2 and 11 are off to camp next week and we leave the following Wednesday. If you have not paid your childs camp fee, and you wish your child to attend camp, you need to talk to the office or myself urgently. Next week organisation of groups, camp buddies and activities will be starting in preparation. If you know for sure that your child will not be attending camp please let me know before I start this organisation to avoid any dissapointment on the childs, their partner and groups part. Any child not attending camp is expected to be at school and will be placed in another class for the three days.
If you were unable to attend the Camp Parent Meeting this week (for Camp Parents) please catch up with me for a quick chat next week.

If your child is going to be absent from school, and you use email, here is our new email address to let the school know
You can still phone or txt, this is just another option to keep us informed.

At present we are working on our ANZAC unit. Reading, Writing and Inquiry. The students will be researching with their Thinking Buddy, over the next week, and then presenting their findings to the class.
We have made Anzac Biscuits (posted on our blog) as part of this unit and they have written recounts of the experience.
Our next step is to introduce some procedural writing and Measurement (Maths). As a class we have decided to have some practical application in both these areas by doing some cooking/baking. We will need some assistance with ingredients to do this. Please send in whatever you can (anything is appreciated).
Our first recipe requires;
Flour, Sugar, Cocoa, Chocolate bits (white and milk), Icing Sugar, Butter.
We hope to have this the following day for morning tea and send a piece home for you to enjoy =)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Tuesday 24th April Fearless Four set about making Anzac biscuits.
We are researching the Anzacs at the moment and Miss K thought that this would be a great time to add a bit of Measurement and Procedural writing to the unit.
First we split into two groups. Miss K assissted one group and Kaye assissted the other. Everyone had a job to do and we finished up with two. very different looking, batches of biscuits.

They were YUM! (although some were a tiny bit burnt)
The taste testers were about and BJ came by to do some quality control. They passed the test and came a very pleasing equal to Room 2's according to BJ!
Once we had a taste, we did a wee bit of writing on our Y chart.  

Then Miss K decided that we would have a 'Bake Off', boys verses girls. Ellie and Grace represented the girls and Johnson and Angelo were chosen to represent the boys. They were all off to a great start when. . .

the boys used the wrong bowl in the microwave! Disaster struck twice when they realised there was no more butter! Miss K was 'Bad Jelly' as she had to clean up the 150g butter, a tablespoon of Golden syrup and melted bowl from the microwave. At least that was all she had to do as the group quickly regathered their senses, Miss K found some marg in the fridge, and the competition was back on!  

Kaye was invited back to judge the final products. She had no idea which batch belonged to who. Kaye gave points for taste, shape, texture and smell. It was a close call with only one point determining the winner. . .the boys!!!!
Well done both groups, the biscuits were fabulous and not nearly as hard as the original biscuits that the Anzacs had in WW1.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Trey's Holidays

Guess where Trey went in the holidays?
Apparently he was speechless when he met his heroes, The NRL Warriors, hard to believe really, Trey speechless????
Such fabulous photographs Trey, we look forward to hearing (and reading)all about your time at the game.

My Holidays

I spent a beautiful day at Waitarere Beach with my dad and the Kelly family. Daisy and Jack went body-boarding and kite flying with their friends Steph and Matt Kelly (and Popa and Chris). Jacqui and I walked their lovely dog along the beach and then we finished off an awesome day with a yummy BBQ at Popa's (he lives at Waitarere).

It's Holidays!! Yeeeeeha!

Hope you all had a great Easter and didn't eat too mush chocolate!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Note To Parents/Caregivers

One more sleep to the holidays! We are all looking forward to Easter and having a little rest and relaxation in Fearless Four. It has been a very busy term but boy have we had some great fun and a lot of wonderful learning opportunities!
We are at camp in week 3 of next term. A reminder that camp fees are due tomorrow, Thursday 5th April. Please let me know if you cannot get in to school to do this by then and I can let the office know when you will be able to do so.
There are a few students who have some class work to complete over the holidays, they know who they are. I have told them that I will be at school over the break and that I am happy for them to pop in and grab modelling books etc if I am there.
There are still a few students who have not returned their medical forms and/or their consent forms for camp. I have printed off a few more incase they have been misplaced and students can get one from the Notice Box. Camp Parents have been sent a notice home for the Camp Parent Information Meeting and a medical form has also been sent home for you.
Happy Holidays!

Senior Market

We had a fabulous market at lunch-time on Tuesday. Everyone was 'blown away' with how awesome the students prepared and marketed their products. Our class' sherbet was, once again, a huge success and we made a tidy $400 profit towards the teams overall profit of approx $1000!!!! TÅ«meke!!
We still have a few bags left and we are selling those, at $1 per bag, over the lunch-time tomorrow from our classroom.
Here are a few photographs of the experience, enjoy =)

Thanks go out to Tori for the great photography on Miss Katon's ipod, tino pai Tori, these are great shots. I think you have a future as the one of Fearless Four's Offical Photographers!
A big thank you to Ellie and Grace who did the majority of the product making and also to Tori and Billie who gave up some of their lunch-times to help make the approx 500 bags. Nicole and some of the other year 6's gave Nicklaus, Tai, Esther, Amy, and a few other year 5's a crash course in sherbet making; an awesome effort people!