Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Note to Parents

It was great to catch up with all the parents and caregivers over the past few days. I have enjoyed sharing your child's progress and learning environment with you. If you have not had a conference (for what ever reason) please contact me (a note or drop in) and I will make a time with you that suits.

Marae visit is in week 11 (last week of term). The notices went out last week. Thank you to the parents who have offered their support for this trip. Please keep the koha coming in to the office. 

Remember that this Friday is Easter! No school Friday, Monday and Tuesday! Enjoy the break, relax and try not to eat too much chocolate and too many Easter buns! The question would then be, "What is too much? How many is too many?" <3

My favourite Easter picture =)


  1. Haha! I remember that!
    Happy Easter Miss K!
    But enough chocolate is never enough!
    And chocolate is healthy because it is made from a bean, the Cocoa Bean!


    1. LOL Grace, I'm sooo glad that you listen during healthy eating units =) Happy Easter back!

