Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day Two and Three of Camp

We have been so lucky with the weather, no rain until the last night, and we managed to do everything that we had planned. Yesterday was a great day of fun activities, flying-fox, archery, slug-guns and horse riding.. . AWESOME!!! We had sooooo much food that most adults are seriously considering a diet over the weekend; homemade hamburgers for lunch and lasange/veggies followed by ice-cream sundaes for dinner, not to mention the massive amounts of home-baking for morning/afternoon tea and suppers!
We had a quiz night before bed, where Pa Ronald entertained us and kept the treats flowing, thanks Pa it was so much fun, we haven't laughed that much in ages! 
Children and adults found it difficult to get up this morning and I expect that you will have some very tired children over the weekend. 
We finished off our last day with an afternoon at the Lido, thank-you Anton for opening the hydro-slides for us, we feel special!
Here are a few more photos of the last 48hrs =) 

 Grace and Ellie on El Rancho's newest horse. We actually got to name him! His new name is Marmite (it was Kerry lol) because he is a dark brown/black colour, very special and everyone LOVED him-just like marmite which has become very special lately!

 Grace leading Ellie on Marmite
 The flying-fox!

 Billie at the slug-guns
 Mrs Thomas came for the day and enjoyed seeing all the children having fun!
 Well done Billie lol
 Down the barrel of a gun!
 Trey getting kitted-up for a race
 Trey on the red-rocket!

 Our fabulous parents serving up one of many amazing meals.
 Yep, we loved wearing those flattering hats hahahahaha!
 Off up the flying-fox!

 Chelsea getting reading to jump off the platform at the flying-fox. Watch her video and see how awesome it was!
 Archery was a big hit! Some Katnus in-training for Hunger Games wannabes in the making!

 Kiwi kids means rugby is always impromptu whilst waiting your turn for something!
Watch out boys, the girls are hard core! 

 Back in Palmy and hanging out at the Lido

 Thanks to Anton for opening and supervising the hydro-slides. Te Manawa LOVED his time on these and Pa got in on the action too!

 Thanks to all of our wonderful parents, you were AWESOME!!!
 The cry went up "Get Pa!" and it was all on!
 Run Pa Run!
 Toooo slow Pa! Mobbed by the minions!
 . . .and Pa is off again! I don't know where he got the energy to go on!

1 comment:

  1. I loved Marmite!
    He was so special and I loved how we got to name him!
    I really want to go back to camp because everyone had such an awesome time!!!


