Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Heather!

For  whānau who do not know,  Heather is Ben's TA and a very important member of Fearless Four.
Today was Heather's birthday! We all sang her the traditional song and then she gave US pressies! Thank you for the yummy cakes and bikkies Heather!

Ben checking out all was in order before helping Heather to share out the cupcakes and chocolate chunk bikkies.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Today Chelsea's dad, Rick came to class to show us (and Room 3) the new gecko he has. Rick works for DOC (Department of Conservation) breading and caring for our endangered New Zealand gecko and skinks. He brought some of our old favourites from last year and some very interesting unfamiliar breeds. They were a number of very cute babies that we got to see catch and eat their dinner of live flies! That was sooooo cool!

There were a variety of breeds of baby gecko. 

We learned a lot of new facts about NZ gecko and skinks. We remembered a lot from last time, like NZ gecko and some skinks are cold blooded but are unique in the way that they have live births and do not lay eggs! They do not blink but lick their eyes to clean them and keep them moist. Our geckos are endangered because of cats, rodents and poison (mainly for grass and plants).

Jewel Gecko 

This is one of Rick's new ones. It looks like a baby crocodile and Miss K was not keen to hold it, no not at all!

The Wellington and Auckland Green Gecko were much more Miss K's style!

Ben really liked the gecko and he was allowed to have one crawl on him. Ben wasn't scared at all! 

We all really enjoyed seeing and learning about these awesome creatures. Thank you to Rick Brosnan for bringing them in and teaching us all about them.
Fearless Four have completed their cooperative learning tree-maps with the facts that they have learned and are beginning to create some simile poems about the gecko. We will post some on here when they are completed.

The crocodile one!

I like this one, it isn't smooth like the other gecko but feels rough like sandpaper. Gecko like the heat (because they are cold blooded) and lay as flat as they can to get as much of their body onto the warm surface, to absorb the heat. This one crawled through my hair and stopped on top of my head!
Chelsea is an expert at looking after gecko and skinks and she knows HEAPS of facts about them. The people who were in her fact-sharing group were sooooo lucky!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Road Patrol

Esther on Featherston Street Road Patrol.

If you have a child who is on patrol, make sure that you ask for the letter that went home with them in week one. They need to be at school before 25 past 8 as we are on the road at 8:30am. We finish after school at 3:15pm.
Students are doing an awesome job on patrol and are proving to be reliable and responsible. Tino pai patrollers!

''Sighs in,"  Molly yelled.
Today is Monday and Molly and I are doing road patrol!
''O.M.G.!'',  I thought as I watched the cars pass me.
''These cars must be going some-where important or some- thing.''
''Esther!'', Miss K yelled at the top of her voice.
''Ok,'' I said to my self, ''It's my time to shine. Well not really.Its just my turn."
''Molly!'', Miss K also yelled
''Check,Clear,Cross now,'' Me and Molly both yelled, well we really didn't yell together, we took turns.
''Ok,'' Miss K said ''next one is off patrol.,''
''Hey Miss K where's your coffee?" Molly questioned
''And your sun hat?'' I asked
'' I need both of those.," Miss K giggled.
''Hey um ... Miss K.,''
'' Yes Esther,.''
''I've done my recount about road patrol,''I replied
"Oh goodie," Miss K said with a big grin on her face.
"um.," I dreamed
"Esther., Molly.,"
"Check!," Molly exclaimed
 "Clear!," I exclaimed
"Cross now!"Molly exclaimed
'''Off patrol!," Molly exclaimed
By: Esther Rayner


Friday, February 22, 2013


Hi Everyone,
I have set up Studdyladder so if you go to the link on the sidebar you will be able to start the activities I have set for you. Remember to get your password on Monday!
There are activities to support our Measurement unit, telling the time on analogue, digital and 24 hour clocks. There are also reading, spelling and punctuation activities and some geography ones too. Be sure to choose the level which challenges you rather than just doing the easy ones!
Have fun!
Miss K

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

29 degrees today!

In our swimming groups and practising the skills we are being taught with Sealord at the Lido.

Tai and Renata, We are in for a high of  29 degrees today and by 9:30am we were well on the way!
The pool was a nice refreshing start to our day. Next swim . . . lunch-time! 

Group skills work.


Danni and Nicole

Jenni and Tenika



First we had to all do a star fish on our backs

Nicoles was PERFECT!!

Then we did them on our fronts, we had a competition to see who could last the longest. Molly won!

Getting ready for Miss K's whistle for the start of the star-fish comp.

Star-fish on our fronts!

Sitting on the bottom, crossing our legs and seeing who could last the longest!

Diving practice.

Races : feestyle

Waiting for everyone to get dressed, it was HOT!

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Note To Parents

The Meet the Teacher BBQ and Picnic has changed times. The school pool will be open from 5:30pm (you must supervise your children) followed by the magician at 6pm and BBQ. Hoping to see you all there on Thursday.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Softball With Trey Feary

Trey (Catcher) playing softball on Saturday morning for CNS. 

"Run Trey, Run!"

Looking for the steal. An excellent effort Trey.
Sport is so much fun to play. If you have any photos of the games that you have played, remember to bring them in on a USB or email them to me and we will put them on our blog. Trey's job on Monday will be to write his Daily Dash to go with his photos and we will publish it on here also.