Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Note To Parents Monday 19th March

Hi Everyone
A note is going home tonight about our Market at lunch-time (see important dates). Our class has once again decided to make sherbet as a fundraiser for camp at this event. If you can help with any donations of icing sugar, jelly (any flavour), citric acid, tartaric acid or lolly-pops, please send along to school asap. The students will be beginning to make our product this week.
Camp parents have been chosen and students will be bringing a note home to you tonight (if you have applied to be a camp parent).
Relay for Camp is next week. Many students have been busy collecting their sponcers with amazing results. Please encourage your child to ask friends and family. The money that they raise goes straight off their own camp fee.
The Marae vist is on Friday (this week). Some students still have their permission slip to bring back to me. The cost is $4.
Please keep those medical forms for camp rolling in.
Have a great week
Tracye Katon

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms K and Fearless Four!

    I've so enjoyed checking out your blog. Children, I'd say you're real lucky to be in Ms. K's class. And some of you for the second year too!!

    Thanks Ms. K for referring me to your blog. I love the maths sites you have listed and am inspired to do weta for our calendar art THIS year! You'll have to show me how in the holidays =)

    Good luck with your market day everybody and have a good week!

    Ms. Ferrar

