Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Note to Parents 28th March 2012

Great to see all the parents at our camp meeting tonight. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us. Relay for Camp was an AWESOME day. We all had soooo much fun (photos to be posted soon). Students have had their forms signed by a teacher to say that they have completed the distance stated and it is now time to get in all the sponsership money ASAP. Remember, all the money that your child has raised comes directly off their camp fee. Pay the money into the school office and they will let you know what the balance to pay is.
Camp gear lists have already gone home; remember this is just a guideline. Medical forms need to be in this week please (thank you to all those who have already sent them in).
We will be starting to make our sherbet this Friday. A FABULOUS response for donations of ingredients, thank you =)  If you are still wanting to send something in for this; icing-sugar and lollypops would be appreciated. The children are looking forward to making (and eating I suspect) this sherbet. Market is on Tuesday at lunch time so not long to go now.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Relay For Camp

This is to be held on Monday! Hopefully it will be fine. Students don't forget to bring your sponcership forms for me to sign off your participation and distance. Dress-up, bring tents, bring parents and have fun! If posponded due to weather, it will be held on Tuesday, if still bad, Wednesday . . . we want to get it done this week =)

Visit to marae March 2012

Thank-you to all the wonderful Parent Helpers who made this trip possible. We had a great day at the marae. Here are a few photographs of our experience. Enjoy. We will be posting some writing and art soon.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Note To Parents Monday 19th March

Hi Everyone
A note is going home tonight about our Market at lunch-time (see important dates). Our class has once again decided to make sherbet as a fundraiser for camp at this event. If you can help with any donations of icing sugar, jelly (any flavour), citric acid, tartaric acid or lolly-pops, please send along to school asap. The students will be beginning to make our product this week.
Camp parents have been chosen and students will be bringing a note home to you tonight (if you have applied to be a camp parent).
Relay for Camp is next week. Many students have been busy collecting their sponcers with amazing results. Please encourage your child to ask friends and family. The money that they raise goes straight off their own camp fee.
The Marae vist is on Friday (this week). Some students still have their permission slip to bring back to me. The cost is $4.
Please keep those medical forms for camp rolling in.
Have a great week
Tracye Katon

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Note To Parents

Medical Forms for camp will be given out to students today. Please fill in and return to school ASAP.
Parent Teacher Conferences are into their second day today. If you have not had the opportunity to see me please contact me at school. Just drop by or leave a message at the office and we will make a 10min appointment.
We are really short of parent helpers for the Marae Trip. If anyone can help with transport or has the knowledge and skills to support us on the Marae, please let me know. We would appreciate your help on this.
Tracye Katon

Study Ladder

Study Ladder is all ready to go, just ask Miss K for your password and get started. Fuifui Moi has already made his avatar and has points on the board! Remember to log in everyday and try out the activities; make sure that they are not too easy though!
Have fun!
Miss Katon