Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Anzac Biscuits

By Zara
Squash, I roll the soft chunky mixture in my hands to make round balls. My skin felt moisturised and oily.
On Monday afternoon we made delicious mouth-watering Anzac biscuits.
Alex and I went to mix the dry ingredients together. Pretty much every person in the class was crowding that table at that moment. People were pushing and bumping each other. We were like a puzzle that couldn’t fit. We managed to squeeze through. Alex was holding the mixing bowl while I clumsily tipped oats and a pinch of salt in. Flour and sugar sprinkled all over the table.                 “How much coconut?” I mumble to myself.                                                                                                        “Two quarters” Anna replies.                                                                                                                                        I tip that in and go to see if the butter is ready. I try to spy the rest of my group. I see Kenz and TeAmorangi walking as slow as snails to our groups table.                                                                           “What do we do now?” I wonder.                                                                                                                        I look in my Literacy book and flick to my recipe page to ‘How to make Anzac Biscuits’.                    “We need to get some boiling water and baking soda” I said to my group “Caleb can do that”!    Caleb who was just relaxing on his chair not wanting to do anything, lazily got up and walked over to Sherryl and walked right back with exactly what we needed.                                                                   “Can I mix the ingredients together” begs Alex.                                                                                            “Alright” I say and pass him the fork.
When we were done making the mixture Miss K told us one person in each group had to wash their hands. I ran to the girl’s bathroom. I came back smiling day dreaming about what the crunchy biscuits would taste like. I got to work.
After I rounded the mixture into biscuits, Sherryl went to cook them in the oven. I was bouncing up and down in my seat.
The Anzac biscuits were soooo yummy that my mouth was popping like a fire cracker. I would love to have this cool cooking experience again!

"These smell divine!!! "

"Oooo these are going to taste nice!"

"This smell is making me hungry, I don't know that I can wait much longer!"

We rolled them into balls and then flattened them out. Each group put a different colour (food colouring) on one biscuit so that we knew whose was whose.

"These Anzac biscuit are really hot and smell delicious!"


  1. Tino rawe o koutou kai pihikete.

  2. the Anzac Biscuits were DELICIOUS!.

  3. I loved your story Zara. making Anzac biscuits was so fun. We have been doing alot of fun things this term. By the way the Anzac biscuits were delicious! Billie

  4. MMMM I love any type of biscut but these were the most scrummshis delishous yummyist biscuts in the universe.


  5. WOW!!!
    I have 2 admit the bickies were yum. And thanks Billie my story was the most awesomest story on the EARTH!

    Zara =)

