Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rugby Art

                RUGBY ART

First we drew a draft copy of what we were going to draw and coloured it in with pastels using shading where the light sources came from. Here are some of our finished product.




Thursday, October 6, 2011

Persuasive writing

In fearless four we've been doing a little bit of persuasive/expositions on The Ross Interdediate School robbery stating whether it's right or not right to steal. Here's an example by Nomuna

I believe that it is NOT right to steal property from schools.
Firstly, it’s unfair for the children that burglars steal from. They’re stealing education form the children, they’ve had their learning opportunities, let the students have theirs.
When burglars steal, they take away time and money. The schools waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars on things they shouldn’t have to replace, instead they could be using that money to buy books, sports equipment and a whole lot more.
The students that happy and safe, now feel unhappy and unsafe just because a few selfish and uncaring people.
Burglars may have a reason to steal because they are poor, have no job and want to make money, or they’re too selfish.
The burglars steal the students’ education, take away time and money to replace and repair the equipment, and they take safety away from students
That is why I believe that it is NOT right to steal from schools.
By Nomuna:)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Inquiry Learning

In fearless Four, we've been doing our inquiry learning on natural disasters around the world.
Our big question is What Lies Beneath?
We've been researching disasters such as, Wahine, Pompeii, Napier and Christchurch earthquake and the pink and white terraces etc.
After we chose our disaster, we could research in groups or research solo.
We also had to choose a major question that relates to the disaster and some minor ones.
Soon we started looking in books, Internet and articles.
We had to use triangular validation (research) so we got the correct information.
Then, when we finished our research, we had to present it to the class as a power point, book, news report and so on.
We have improved our knowledge a lot since we started!!!
By Ellie and Nomuna

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blast off!!!!

The original experiment was successful!

Miss Katon invited Whitz and our college teacher Miss P to do the first experiment whilst we observed.
We had to change one variable and conduct our own experiment. We all observed each experiment and discussed the varied successes.

We had to be very careful when we drpped the mentos/sugar into the fizzy drink.

Some went higher than others!!

. . .and some were just plain messy!

Anzac Biscuits

By Zara
Squash, I roll the soft chunky mixture in my hands to make round balls. My skin felt moisturised and oily.
On Monday afternoon we made delicious mouth-watering Anzac biscuits.
Alex and I went to mix the dry ingredients together. Pretty much every person in the class was crowding that table at that moment. People were pushing and bumping each other. We were like a puzzle that couldn’t fit. We managed to squeeze through. Alex was holding the mixing bowl while I clumsily tipped oats and a pinch of salt in. Flour and sugar sprinkled all over the table.                 “How much coconut?” I mumble to myself.                                                                                                        “Two quarters” Anna replies.                                                                                                                                        I tip that in and go to see if the butter is ready. I try to spy the rest of my group. I see Kenz and TeAmorangi walking as slow as snails to our groups table.                                                                           “What do we do now?” I wonder.                                                                                                                        I look in my Literacy book and flick to my recipe page to ‘How to make Anzac Biscuits’.                    “We need to get some boiling water and baking soda” I said to my group “Caleb can do that”!    Caleb who was just relaxing on his chair not wanting to do anything, lazily got up and walked over to Sherryl and walked right back with exactly what we needed.                                                                   “Can I mix the ingredients together” begs Alex.                                                                                            “Alright” I say and pass him the fork.
When we were done making the mixture Miss K told us one person in each group had to wash their hands. I ran to the girl’s bathroom. I came back smiling day dreaming about what the crunchy biscuits would taste like. I got to work.
After I rounded the mixture into biscuits, Sherryl went to cook them in the oven. I was bouncing up and down in my seat.
The Anzac biscuits were soooo yummy that my mouth was popping like a fire cracker. I would love to have this cool cooking experience again!

"These smell divine!!! "

"Oooo these are going to taste nice!"

"This smell is making me hungry, I don't know that I can wait much longer!"

We rolled them into balls and then flattened them out. Each group put a different colour (food colouring) on one biscuit so that we knew whose was whose.

"These Anzac biscuit are really hot and smell delicious!"

Science is a blast!!!

Over the past few weeks we have been working on procedural texts. We have looked at these in three different forms; instructions (Trish's Magic Trick), a recipe (Anzac Biscuits) and a science experiment (Mentos and Coke). We noticed that the vocabulary changed between the different procedures; for example recipes have 'ingredients' and science experiments have 'equipment and appartus'. Some of the more interesting words  were 'hypothesis' and 'variables', which we learned about in our science experiments.
We worked in groups to follow the Anzac biscuit recipe and made some delicious biscuits. We had been researching the Anzac's at Gallipolli and it was great to make the biscuits named after such brave men.

Each of these procedural texts were followed up with a recount. We shall add some of these fabulous pieces of writing over the next few days.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

This is Fearless Four's new Web-page. Billie, Ellie and Nomuna kicked it off for us on the first day by setting up some awesome little virtual pets. Well done girls, this looks amazing!